Wednesday, 7 September 2016

How we run

This is an aerial view of the big gravel track where we train (round and round) in the middle of Atlanta. The great big tall buildings just behind are part of Midtown, and clustered around their bases are some of my favourite places to get munchies. Panera Bread, fantastic place.

But I thought I'd write up what we've actually been doing training-wise, for anyone who does running who might be interested. This XC season we're racing every other weekend pretty much throughout, so our weeks alternate 40 miles race week, 50 miles work week.

Last week we were racing on Friday, so training went:
Monday- 6.15am, 3 mile tempo run: 6.15 pace, 6x hill sprints
Tuesday- 3pm, 65 minute run easy
Wednesday- 6.15am, 3x 1600 repeats: 5.45, 5.43, 5.42, 6x 20s strides
Thursday- 3pm, 'pre-race': 20 minutes very easy run, 6x 20s strides
Friday- race!
Saturday- sleep
Sunday- 60 minutes easy run
Total: 43 miles

This week we aren't racing:
Monday- 8.30am, long run: 85 minutes, including a 5k tempo
Tuesday- 3pm, 60 minute recovery run
Wednesday- 6.15am, 65 minute steady run, 6x hill sprints
Thursday- 6.15am, 3x 1600 repeats: probably 5.45 pace, 6x 20s strides
Friday- 6.15am, 60 minute run, 6x hills
Saturday- 8.30, long run as on Monday
Sunday- sleep!
Total: going to be quite high. We're on 27 and it's only Wednesday.

This long run business is rotten. On coach's clipboard it says long run or tempo run for separate groups, but we have to combine the two. I can run 11/12 miles, I can run a 19-19.30 5k, but I don't want to do the two things together! And 6.15 morning training may be cruel and unusual torture, but it's better than 3 o'clock. Honestly. It was hovering around 34 degrees yesterday and I think it's done lasting brain damage.


  1. Hi Emily still trying to work out how to send a comment. I have given your details to Auntie Joan love grandma. xx

  2. Interesting. What distance are your X country races?

  3. Well done Emily on your win in the cross country event. Your new college must be very pleased they I envited you over. I haven't quite homed in on geographic environment but the aerial view looks great. X 😊

  4. Thanks guys. Anne- our races are between 4-6k
